Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chasing the Germies Away

What a week. The germies have infected our house and have robbed us of our sleep, they have raised our anxieties, and have wreaked havoc on our regular routine. However, I refuse to give in totally and miss out on ALL of the fun of the season. Here is a sneak peek of our Sully who is oh so cute but under the weather!

We made these this week. I was inspired by some of the fall decor at the shops at the beach while we were on vacation. They have made a joyful and sparkly decor to our kitchen table centerpiece. My house will surely sparkle for months as I am still finding glitter everywhere! My oh, oh my, how little ones love glitter!

Thanks to a little extra cooperation and good ole fashioned flexibility as well as a little extra love and support from grandparents and good friends, we still managed to meet all deadlines at school and the olders still made it to all extra curricular activities. They also had fun with Christian Heroes Day at school and even attended a fun after school Christian Heroes party . It is my pleasure to introduce you to Mary and King Josiah.

Despite the hours of cuddling on the couch ( I wouldn't have it any other way!) we were also blessed to have a few good dinners this week. This is solely in thanks to our meal swap group. I was able to whip those dinners right out of the freezer and throw them into a crock pot and six to eight hours later, Voila, dinner was served as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening in our house. We dined on Spiced Pork Roast, Chicken Teriyaki, Pumpkin soup, and Creamy Chicken with Wild Rice soup. Have you thought about being a part of a meal swap group after reading some of the posts on my blog? Well consider this yet another advantage, when life gets crazy, and unpredictably so, the meals in the freezer help to make dinner easy and nourish bodies that are tired and fighting germies away. One group of my friends began a new swap this week and I've already heard how well it went and how excited they are to keep it going! Yeah! Another group may be forming in my sister's hometown too. Wahoo!

Whew...after all that, Mom turned into a ZOMBIE last night, but hey, that was expected.

Here's a peek of our lunch before it was baked today. Sorry I am so tired that I forgot to take a picture of the pizzas after they were baked. One pizza has my hand drawn images of ghosts, bats, and the word Boo cut out from Mozzarella cheese slices. The other pizza is whole wheat and has the leftover cheese, pesto(leftover from meal swap meal) and pizza sauce. MMMmmm!

I'm looking forward to making the best of the rest of our weekend. We rented a few Halloween themed movies, checked out some Halloween books from the library,perhaps make an appearance at another party and will hunker down at the eleventh hour to finally carve our Jack-O-Lanterns. We will hope that the germies leave us once and for all this weekend and that life will resume it's normal craziness next week.

Thanks for reading.

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