Monday, October 26, 2009


I read lots of blogs. One blog writer often publishes posts on Mondays called Weekending. I like to share my own Weekending post.

It seems as though everyone I know has a household of germs. The number of family members infected seems to vary. We have joined the ranks of those infected with germs.

In our house this weekend we:

have taken lots of naps
watched our fair share of movies
woken up many times overnight
eaten lots of soup
drank lots of warm liquids
enjoyed Pumpkin ice cream
got the humidifier running
made the sanitizer, warm water and soap, and even Lysol/Clorox our new best friends
played lots of Webkinz arcade games
played numerous games of Go Fish and King in the Corner
prayed for healing and to calm anxiety
made regular time intervals with Motrin
used up the last of my favorite Hand Lotion to prevent dry and chapped hands
tended to laundry, laundry, and more laundry
read lots of our favorite stories
played gently outside just to soak up a little sunshine
watched a few football games
and last but not least, even lost a tooth.

How was your weekend? What ways do you and your family cope with illness in your home. What thoughts on comfort do you have to share?

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