Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello Spring

Things have been really crazy in our house again in recent weeks. All of the kids have been sick with one thing or another. There have been many busy days and sleepless nights too. I'll be totally honest and admit that I've been having a lot of sad days lately as well. Par for the course I guess...

A fellow blogger posted a similar post about welcoming spring and saying goodbye to some winter favorites. I'd thought I'd join in on the fun. I haven't posted for a really long time, so I thought this would be an easy way to jump back in.

The other blogger had a fun font and fun spring colors too. Well I'm too tired to figure all of that out without messing up my main settings, so this will have to do for now.

It is spring! Each day more and more signs of warmer days are popping up everywhere. I see a tremendous difference even from just this weekend.

So Hello spring! Goodbye winter of 2010. Here are my favorite memories from this past winter.

Favorite Memory

Hands down, this would be the night that I had the opportunity to sit still and watch the snow falling to the ground. It was absolutely beautiful! I distinctly remember a peace that washed over me in that moment, a peace like I had never felt before. I have certainly been in such turmoil that I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I was giddy with joy! It was refreshing and welcomed. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with that very peace that I could barely keep it to myself. My husband allowed me to just sit beside the window and stay in that peaceful state with the snow for hours. It was a true gift and I will never forget that night as long as I live.

Favorite Song

I love music. It has been a big part of my life for a long time. We all have those songs that take us back to moments in time that are deep in our minds.

If forced to choose only one song to capture the feelings of this winter, I would have to say Only You by David Crowder.

Favorite T.V. Show
I really like Brothers and Sisters and House Hunters.

Favorite Food Out

Eggs Benedict. Not healthy I know, but oh so good. I never make them at home for myself so it is a nice treat.

Favorite Food Homemade

Linguine with White Clam Sauce
Variety of homemade soups
Shrimp and Grits

Favorite Purchase

A charm that has my word of the year hand stamped on it to remind me on a daily basis to "Let Go". It is helping to be able to hold the charm in my hands and rub my fingers over the words during the challenging moments that come my way. I also see the reflection of myself in the mirror wearing the word and I can now associate myself with that phrase and the true deep desire to "Let Go" of so much in my life...

Favorite Drink

I discovered Sipping Chocolate this year! MMMMmmm

Favorite Event

This winter the events that really stand out the most in my mind are the everyday, ordinary moments. I loved watching life unfold and discovering the everyday miracles that were right before my eyes. I feel like I didn't miss a moment and nothing went unnoticed by these new eyes. Many, but not all, of these moments were centered around my precious children, husband, extended family, friends, and people who enter my life for one reason or another. I am in awe...

If I had to name a few "big" events...

letting go and letting God...oh what an eye opener! He has shown me some amazing things this winter.

the blizzard of 2010-magical moments for my family. enough said.

watching the Winter Olympics in Vancouver

a holiday concert and yummy late night dinner and scrappin' with JC (girl time which was long overdue, it snowed, and I ate my favorite meal too :)

getting pampered beyond belief to attend the Casting Crowns concert with some very special friends and prayer warriors. What a night! It was so awesome to be alongside of so many people woshipping the Lord all at the same time! You are a gem SR! JN and KT, I am grateful you were both there to be a part of that memory in my heart.

planning and preparing a very special Valentine dinner for families that were in need of love and compassion. That night will remain close to my heart forever...
many others are to thank for helping to make that event possible

loving others

gosh...there are so many and I'm only supposed to name one!

I couldn't live without...

Well, I really don't like this question to be honest. I know...lighten up, it's a silly questionnaire with simple answers. Not for me. Yes, it is fun to document some feelings about the months that have passed to remember this person that I am in this very moment today. No, it is still not an easy question to answer. I have learned to live without the very thing that is most important to me, my child, my own flesh and blood. Not much else, tangibly speaking, matters anymore. The rest that really does matter, I have learned, are not under my control either. I am not in control of whether I get to live with or without them either. I have learned to cherish this moment today, it is all I have. I have learned to be at peace with that. I think. It is what it is...

Maybe this question was a little closer to the surface and not so deep. What items are important to you and are part of your daily life? (Aside from God and my family)

My bible
My devotional books
My camera
coffee and seltzer water
something on my person that incorporates all four of my children

So, now it is your turn. Let me know your favorites from this past winter season. Leave a comment here, e-mail me, write to me, call me. It will be the sunshine of my day.

I promise not to stay away for long. I've been writing all along and will post more to come. I have lots to say about this topic on "favorite things".

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