Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unplugged and Unpredictable

I've been away for awhile.
Our access to Internet was limited and also not completely chosen to be a part of our time away. I guess I was unplugged as they say.

I have things to share.
I often do.
Sadly, I write many posts and then choose not to publish them.
There are many reasons why I do that.
Sorry, not ready to share those here either.

So take me or leave me, the unpredictable blogger that I am.
Mostly I write to remember and to have an outlet to express myself.I know there are no rules about posting or not posting. No rules either about what I choose to sahre or not share.

I'll leave you with the rainbow chairs. I will share the warmth and hope of a pretty rainbow, even if it is man made.

If you take me, I'll be back soon. Have a sunshine day!

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