Friday, May 1, 2009

Forty One in Motion

Wow! I am so excited about the response that I have received thus far for the Mother's Day project! I took a leap of faith hoping that I could reach my goal of 41 gifts and as of now it looks like that is very possible. It is looking like I will be able to make 41 gift bags and the contents of those bags is still an open door. I am in awe of the ideas that have come in so far and as I reflect upon my feelings last year, I know I would have loved to receive a bag like these will be! I am filled with such joy knowing that together we will touch the lives of the Forty One mothers that receive our gifts. I know in my heart that they will sincerely appreciate this gesture of love and compassion. If you plan to participate, please make sure all items are delivered no later than Friday, May 8th so I will have time to prepare them for delivery on Saturday.

If you don't know what I am talking about, go back one entry, I describe it in more detail there.

(I haven't learned how to link to that entry. If anyone knows how, please teach me)

With the help and grace of God, I have been given an opportunity to channel this pain and grief into something that has the power to do some good and make a positive difference in the hearts of other mothers. It has been a welcomed distraction from the pain.

Jeremy would have been 18 months old yesterday and I have spent more time than I should imagining what life would look like if he were here with me on earth. I imagine what things he would like and dislike. I wonder which of my other children he would resemble the most. I wonder a lot about his personality. I wonder if he would learn to love the movie Toy Story like my other boys. I wonder how cute he would look wearing his brother's hand me downs... see, the list is never ending. This is where my heart and my soul seem to have difficulty meshing. I am trying so hard to trust that God indeed has a plan for my life. My devotional this morning said " Either God says yes to our requests, or in his "no" He tells us to wait and trust because He has something better in mind for us. Even His no has a loving measure of yes." As you can imagine this is a tough thought to ponder.

I am trying to instead focus my energy on thinking about how wonderful life must be for Jeremy in heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have heard and read that so many times....that God sometimes says yes and sometimes says "no" telling us to wait for something better. No matter how many times I hear it in the midst of life's challenges, it never gets easier to understand or accept. I am sure you too can look back and praise Him for the "No" answers at some points in your life, as you can realize now that He did indeed have something better for you. However, I agree that there are just some things He chooses to answer differently that we may never understand. Praise God that He is sovereign and in control of our lives regardless of how we feel about the way things go. Praying for that wonderful peace that passes all understanding to grace your heart and mind today as you are missing your angel baby.

In His Love,