Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forty One

Isaiah 66:13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you...

As you know, Mother's Day is approaching in less than two weeks. I have been thinking a lot about last year and where I spent my first Mother's Day as Jeremy's Mom. I have reflected about the way I felt there in Jeremy's room, walking the halls of the hospital, and about the prayers in my heart that special day.

Sadly many other Moms will be spending Mother's Day this year at the hospital comforting their children instead of waking up to homemade cards, receiving the handpicked bouquets of flowers, opening the cards, special artwork, and other gifts from their children. All of these tokens and gestures of love are wonderful, treasured, and certainly appreciated by us all. However, the greatest "gift" of all is the privilege to be a mother. I pray that none of us will ever take that privilege for granted.

The moms at the hospital will most likely not be able to attend church, celebratory brunches, lunches, or dinners in their honor. These moms will spend the day comforting their children while they lay in a hospital bed or crib. Some of these Moms will cry tears of joy knowing they have been given the greatest gift of all. Many of these moms may also cry tears of sadness as they watch their child suffer through an illness or recover from a painful procedure or surgery. Some of these Moms may even cry tears of fear wondering if this greatest gift all will be taken from their loving arms. These moms will watch their children go though things that most of us could never imagine. They may also be separated from their other children and the rest of their families on Mother's Day. These mothers may sit and dream about happier times. One thing is for sure, all of them will have a heaviness and hurt in their hearts. All of them would wish to be anywhere but in that hospital with their children. All of them would want their children to be happy, healthy, and at home with their family.

As I think about how I will CHOOSE to celebrate Mother's Day this year, I remember that I have a choice this year, some mothers do not. Sadly, last year, I did not. It has been placed upon my heart to think of, remember, and love these mothers who will spend Mother's Day in the hospital. I will "Love them Like Jesus" and I will carry them to Him in prayer and by being his hands and feet here on earth.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the music box. Click on Love Them Like Jesus by Casting Crowns. Close your eyes, listen to the words.

Just love her like Jesus,
Carry her to Him,
His yoke is easy, His burden is light,
You don't need all the answers to all of life's questions,
Just know that He loves her and stay by her side
Love her like Jesus, Love her like Jesus

You're holding their hand, you're straining for words
You're trying to make sense of it all
They're desperate for hope, darkness clouding their view
They're looking to you...

Forty One. It is my prayer that I can deliver forty one Mother's Day gifts to the hospital to bring a little sunshine to these mothers. I can't take this experience away from them. I can't take their pain away. I can and I will do my best to let them know that someone cares and is praying for them. I can make a difference in their hearts. There are 15 rooms at the house where we stayed while Jeremy was sick and 26 beds in the PICU. These are the mothers that I pray I can comfort in some small way. (not that the other mothers at the hospital aren't in need or deserving of comfort, but financially I cannot help every mother) Forty One gifts has become my goal.

I once again invite you to pray and to consider joining me in this effort. I am looking for items that would be of use and comfort. Some ideas would include toiletries, snacks, music, single servings of coffee or tea, lip gloss, make up, jewelry, inspirational items, books, magazines, lotions, nail polish, chocolate, adult sized blankets, movies, candy, snacks, etc. The possibilities are endless. I was even thinking how nice it would be to send along handwritten notes of prayers and encouragement. However, please keep in mind the usefulness of some items, such as candles, as they would not be allowed to use while in the hospital. I will either have forty one gifts to wrap and tie with yellow bows or I will have 41 gift bags full of random items to deliver. It is exciting to think about what could happen...Please feel free to donate whatever you feel led to give, there is nothing too small. Every little bit helps.

I was blessed to feel the love of Jesus and of so many others around me during the darkest moments of my life. I pray that I can share that love and hope with other mothers who need it most this year on Mother's Day.

If you know me, you are welcome to deliver items to my home or give them to me personally as I am out and about at school and various extra curricular activities. I would also welcome cash/check donations to purchase items for these mothers if you would prefer that instead of donating items. I am planning to make the delivery on May 9th.

If you are reading this and you do not live in my area, I encourage you to find a mom at a local hospital near where you live and bring a little sunshine to her heart this Mother's Day.

TOGETHER, we can make a difference in the lives of so many mothers who greatly need our support, love, and prayers this year. There is no gift to small... Be creative...

With a Most Grateful Heart,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Count me in!!