Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Want to Grow

This Oxalis plant has lived in our home for two years now. We planted them ourselves as our daughter "bloomed" into being a four year old. We watched them both grow as time has gone by. The plant originally had about five to six shoots at any given time. Each day as I walk past my daughter's classroom, I admire the same type of plant in the window. One day I commented to her teacher how I had admired her plant and her green thumb. With a smile, she told me how to revive this plant and help it grow more fully. Little did I know it would be a much deeper and powerful lesson than originally planned.

My daughter's teacher told me to dig up the bulbs planted far beneath the soil and break them into pieces. I was instructed to replant all of the broken bulbs in the soil and then tend to them as usual. Water the plant and provide ample sunshine. I did just that. Then I waited. Nothing happened at first. In fact, I began to think that surely I had not done something correctly. I was just about to go back to the teacher, when low and behold, the shoots began to surface in the soil. It was amazing. Every day there were new shoots coming up and that has continued to be the case ever since. I enjoyed watching my plant growing more fully than ever before.

Then a few days later I really began to notice some similarities among myself and this plant. I know this may seem silly but indulge me friends, this is real stuff. Sometimes we really just need to open our eyes, there is much to learn all around us.

The photo above shows how the plant was literally bending toward the sunshine. I too find myself searching for that same sunshine every day as often as possible. I enjoy seeking God's glory and wonder in my life. I have never felt so sad in all of my life, yet it is here in this place , where I have found a deep and true relationship with my Savior. I feel his presence, his mercy, and his peace within the depths my soul. The pain is there too but my Lord comforts me in some amazing ways. It has been the worst year of my life and also the best. I have lost a child, a precious son. I have gained a real and true relationship with God. Typing this very sentence even feels strange, but it is true. I see life very differently now. I have a relationship with God unlike anything I have ever experienced in all of my life. It is amazing and I want to share it with anyone who will listen.

A difficult time was approaching. Traffic. We would be entering into the season of Jeremy's illness and death. Up until this time, we had remembered happy times as a family of six and then mourned his absence as we experienced those "firsts" without him. This season is different because now in addition to those happy memories, we will also have horrible memories too. We have images in our heads and hearts that no parent should ever know. They are haunting. This is where the enemy sits and waits as he tries to trap me here. He wants us to only experience pain and suffering. The enemy doesn't want me to believe in the truth that God is in control and that all of the events from last year have been part of God's plan all along. It isn't all about me. It's about God and using every circumstance to accomplish that plan. When it is my time to know the story and to be enlightened, I too will understand. Until then, I try my best to trust in him and his plan. So the plant was a visual reminder to me daily to rest in the light that only God could give. I was doing my best to prepare for the traffic I could see coming up ahead. I would say to myself "Stay in the light, fix your eyes to the cross, turn your eyes to Jesus, it is here that you will feel the peace that passes all understanding." It isn't always easy but I am not willing to allow the alternative solution to take root, not now, not ever.

I have survived the first day of this new season for the first time. I will share more about today at a later time. For those of you that do not know the significance of today's date, it is the very day that I carried my son into the E.R. expecting IV fluids and then to make a quick return home. Instead, it was the night that my son unexpectedly went into cardiac arrest, would miraculously be revived, but would begin a very long and painful journey in the PICU. What a ride we had... We wanted off so badly and to to be able to bring our baby home to his family to lead a happy and healthy life. God's will didn't match our will and our son began his eternal life with Jesus in the month of June.

It wasn't until tonight that I realized the lesson with the plant wasn't over.

The old plant was growing. It was green. It was alive. wasn't reaching it's full potential. It wasn't bearing fruit, if you will.

I was alive. I was functioning well in life. I had achieved many successes. Things were good, at least to me. I was happy and satisfied. I believed in God and thought I had a relationship with him. God had a different plans for my life. His will doesn't always match our will. He wanted something more for me. So I too, like the plant, was broken to help me grow. I was broken to my core. BROKEN TO MY CORE. He spoke and I listened. I chose to replant my broken pieces, ALL of them, in the Lord. It didn't happen overnight but little by little, I am growing again and living a more full and richer life than I ever thought was possible. I'm not done, not even close, I still have a very long way to go, but none the less, I am growing. It isn't easy and it sure hurts but I trust in him to help me grow into the person that conforms to the plan that he has for me. He feeds my soul with everything that I will ever need. He is my water, soil, and sunshine that I need to grow. I will live to bear fruit that brings glory and honor to his name all the days of my life.

I will see my son again. Our family will be reunited for eternity. But for now, it is my purpose to live here. It is my purpose to grow and continue on the path that God has chosen for me. God is with me feeding my soul with his mercy, grace, and his peace every step of the way. The enemy is right beside me too, he wants me to wither. I WANT TO GROW!!!

We all face times in our lives when we feel broken. Broken into many pieces. Many circumstances can cause a human soul to feel broken. Death, a serious illness or injury, trauma, a loss of a relationship, the loss of a job, a disappointment, even just relinquishing the fact that we don't always get our way in life. These are just some to name a few. You can all surely relate. When trouble comes what will you do with the broken pieces? Will you give the broken pieces to God so he can rebuild a deeper and fuller life in you? The enemy wants you to wither. God wants you to live a full and rich life in him. I don't know about you, but as for me, I want to grow!!


Anonymous said...

"It isn't always easy but I am not willing to allow the alternative solution to take root, not now, not ever."

Oh sweet child of God, I got goosebumps when I read this statement! I praise God so much this morning as I read your encouraging words. It's almost as if I can see the angels that surround you, fighting the demons away. You have just won a really challenging part of that battle, acknowledging the presence of the evil one and casting him away in the power of the Holy Spirit!

It is amazing how He can teach us so much through a simple plant. After all, HE is the ultimate gardener. He is the vine, and we are the branches. If we remain grafted into Him, choosing to accept His will and direction for our lives, there is only one direction we can lean...towards the Son. Just as the shoots of the plant lean towards the sun in a desire to grow, when we are grafted in by Him, we naturally face the cross and cling to Him as we know that is what we need.

I prayed for you every time I thought of you yesterday, lifted you up as I knew it was a day that could bring back many painful memories. I praise God that the prayers that were lifted, by myself and so many others, reached your heart and helped to shed away some of the darkness and the brush that Satan tried to use to cover you from the Son's rays.

Rejoice in the Lord, always! You are HIS forever and always!

Your sister in Christ,

MIchelle3girls said...

This was such a beautiful post! You have such amazing determination to trust in God's bigger plan despite the TREMENDOUS pull you feel in your heart and soul towards grief, pain, anger, etc... I know the pain is always with you, but so is our loving Saviour. This post was helpful to me, as I am struggling with some issues of my own. My current favorite verse is "Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart, and lean not unto thy OWN understanding." I have been working on the "ALL" part, and trying to resist the urge to figure out all the "whys". Your plant lesson touched me. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Quick thought that the spirit revealed to me yesterday....

As I drove through town yesterday and basked in the glorious sunshine, I couldn't help but praise God for the beautiful day. "We've waited for this sunshine, Lord! I can't thank you enough! I wish every day was as gorgeous as this!" I told Him.

His response to me,
" I know the sun is one of My beautiful gifts...but don't forget, my child, the rain is needed just as much. Nothing can survive without water, MY LIVING WATER!"

I, like you, sit in those gloomy, rainy days, that sometimes seem to come so much more frequently than the sunshine. The Lord quickly reminded me, however, that just as the plants and flowers need water to grow and thrive, we do too. Without the water, the beautiful green grass would turn brown and dry up, the flowers would wilt and die, and the plants would simply refuse to grow. The sunshine can't make our earth beautiful without the water to help those things grow.

I guess that's why we need the rainy days and dark times. We long for the warm rays of the Son to comfort us every day and bring the warmth that they do. However, remember in the rain that it is the Living Water of our Savior that is enabling us to grow! We simply wouldn't be as beautiful if the rain were to leave us. We can't bear fruit when we are withered and dried up. We need to remain grafted in to the vine that is flowing with the rich Living Water of our Savior, allow the Father to be our gardener, even when it is painful to be pruned, and then He will provide us with the comfort of the warm, glowing sunshine!

All that from a simple trip to the mall! Isn't He awesome how He teaches us these things! I could hardly wait to get home to share that with you! Enjoy the sunshine today, sweet sister. Just remember why we say, "Jesus bring the rain!" and why He does just that!

Your sister in Christ,

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful....remain in ME and I will remain in you!"
John 15:1-4