Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all Moms a very special Mother's Day today!  I am filled with joy to report back to you that we accomplished our goal this year and were able to fill over 290 bags this year.  These beautiful, stuffed to rim bags were delivered to the hospital and also to the respite facility nearby the hospital.  The nurses and staff will be surprising each mom with a special delivery today.  It is my prayer that these bags will offer a Ray of Sunshine, a smile, a bit of encouragement, and love to these moms. Thank you to each person that participated, without you, this project would simply not be possible!

I will be back to share more pictures and more heartwarming stories from this year's project but at least wanted to get the word out to everyone about the total number of bags and that they were delivered!

This project makes my heart sing and makes my Mother's Day extra special.  If you were a part of this year's project, I pray that it also reached the depths of your heart and blessed you too!  I know without doubt that together, we helped many moms at the hospital feel that love from all of us to them today! These bags, this simple gesture of compassion for someone experiencing a tough time, this love that was intertwined throughout the whole thing, well, it matters, it makes a difference, it changes the world one little heart at a time!  Thank you.

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