Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have been sitting on this post for awhile. I don't like these feelings that I have. I do however, need to let them out. They are real and powerful. These feelings are eating me away from the inside out, literally. I truly appreciate your prayers for me and for those I love so dearly. We are still in a great deal of pain. You will see what I mean as you continue to read.

Lord, you said to bring it to you. Whatever it is. . . well here it comes. I am angry.

I am angry. I am angry. I am angry.

I am angry that I have no where to put that anger. I have no one person to be angry with. I am angry that I do not know what to do with that anger that just boils inside my soul. I am angry that my anger is often misdirected toward other individuals without that intent. I am angry because I do not recognize myself, I do like this person that I have become. What do I do with this anger Lord. I want to give it to you.

I am angry at the situation and lack of control over it.

Iam angry that I cry everyday, many times even, everyday.

I am angry that my children have such a horrific tragedy to face at such an early age.

I am angry when I see them cry and I can't fix this one for them.

I am angry when I see my husband hurting Lord and I can't help him. We so many times need different things. We grieve differently. Things that feel helpful to him bring me pain and vice versa.

I am angry when My youngest little one is still "looking" for Jeremy. He continues to pray for him every night. I say, "Jeremy is better honey. He is all better, he is perfect. He lives with Jesus now." My child sadly responds "no" because he does not understand.

I am angry when I look at the VOLUMES of scrapbooks on the shelf for my other children. I am angry to be almost finished with Jeremy's album. That's it, that's all! There will never be another thing to add to it. I am also angry at myself for wanting more than what I was fortunate to have been given. Some other parents would give anything to have even what I have, some pictures and momentos of their child.

I am angry when I hold my son's lock of hair within mine. I have hair instead of my child. I will never hold his tender fingers in mine ever again. This is it. This hair represents the only thing that represents my child's physical presence in my life.

I am angry when I put away his crib, even though he never slept in it. I am angry that he will never sleep there.

I am angry that the kisses I send to my son are on angels wings. I am angry that I will never kiss his tender forehead while he innocently sleeps in the quiet of the night.

I am angry when I put away his clothing and I put it up to my nose hoping for that baby smell to still be there, but it's not.

I am angry to think he will never wear the clothing ever again. He will not wear the hand me downs from the other boys. I will not shop for the few things that need to be replaced after his two brothers have gone through the box of clothes and they are worn out.

I am angry when I see other babies with their families. I am angry when I think of what Jeremy would be like today and what our family would be like together.

I am angry Lord when I think about the hospital. Why God? Why did you heal other babies and children but not mine? Then I feel angry at myself for even thinking to question you Lord.

I am angry when I am so tired and forgetful that I can't complete even the simplest tasks. I have to write everything down. I can't remember yesterday's moments.

I am angry when I feel lost and in a fog all of the time.

I am angry when I think of what my son went through in his short life. He was sick and hurting so much.

I am angry when some parts of my life are so painful to endure.

I am angry to see my whole extended family grieving. What do I do with that?

I am angry to have people ask me " How many children do you have?" I should have four.

I am angry when the time comes to photograph our children. No matter the talent behind that photo session, I will not like that picture, someone is missing. Someone will ALWAYS be missing.

I am angry when I try to be the person that I once was. The same likes and dislikes do not fit. I am a new person. But who?

I am angry Lord when my stomach literally hurts from the pain in my soul. There are also other new physical manifestations of the pain in my soul. I do not want to hurt like this.

I am angry when I look at others and want their life. I want what I see on the outside. I compare my ugly insides with other people's pretty outsides.

I am angry when I just want some things in my life to be easy and peaceful. Most things are hard and frustrating.

I am angry when it feels like things are getting worse and more painful, not better.

I am angry when I should be excited. I should be excited on the first day of school and at the first soccer practice. Instead I am angry and sad. Jeremy will never go to school or play a sport. I am grieving the loss of all things that could've been. . . who he would be today and tomorrow, not just what he was yesterday.

I am drowning Lord in ANGER!!!

Most of all Lord, I am angry with myself. How dare I question your plan and the purpose that you have in mind for me. Please forgive me Lord. I hurt so badly. I wish I knew your purpose for me. I wish I could fast forward to the end so I could see how this journey ends. This journey hurts so deeply Lord. I wish there was another way to bring glory to your name. Here I am Lord. My mouth still sings praises to your name but with tears flowing from my soul.


LookingforSunshine in Denver said...

Please let your friends help with the things they can. I can do nothing to ease your pain ... I can tell you I love you and that I will continue to pray for you.


Paul and Sharleen said...

Dearest Amy,
I hesitate to write tonight because I just never know what I should say. I'm sorry. I can't make it better for you, and it pains me to feel so helpless. Jeremy's life was so tragically short - your anger is deservedly as deep as your grief. No one will blame you for it. Even my young children understand it. I was just talking about Jeremy tonight with my oldest daughter. She was trying to figure out why bad things happen in the world. Losing Jeremy was her example. My four-year old says "Look, Mom, it's baby Jeremy!" whenever she sees sun filtering through the clouds. We will always remember your precious son - Jeremy's portrait is forever etched in my memory. His blue bow still graces my front door. I'll never forget his angelic face, even though I've only seen it in pictures.
He'll be there in the family photos - we may not be able to see him, but he'll be there.
I pray for peace for you and your family,

Anonymous said...

Praying for you tonight and hoping you feel the love I'm sending.

Tara Dembowczyk said...

My heart aches for you. I wish words could make it better. Please know that I have not forgotten. I continue to pray for you and your family.

God, please comfort this precious family. Please extend to them an extra abundance of Your amazing grace. Please heal their pain...heal their hurts. Draw them closer to each other and closer to You knowing that You are completely sovereign.

Tara Dembowczyk
Chiefland, FL

Debra said...

Praying for you and your family. I know you never "asked" to be an inspiration to so many people-but you are. Thank you for being so open, honest and real! May our Father continue to hold you in the palm of his hand.

A sister in Christ.

Unknown said...


You do not know me (Robin Schnieder's cousin-in-law), but you have helped me understand what a community member of ours will be going through. We learned that an 8 year old here has an inoperatable brain tumor, about the time you found out Jermey was sick. This boy (Mullen) had radiation and had a couple good months this summer. However last Tuesday he was given only 2-10 weeks. At some point I will share the link to your blogs with this mother. I want her to read your words so she knows she is not alone and the feelings she has are "normal". I love the way you show your faith in God. We have been praying for you and your family, to give you strength to make it through one more day. One miracle I see from your suffering is helping someone like me, to help a friend in need.
Thank You, Julie

mamcf0371 said...

Dear Amy,
I hear your anger; I respect your feelings. You have every right to be angry-it's okay. You are in so much pain and I commend you on your courage to express and address what you are feeling. Your total self-awareness is an asset and can only help you as you grieve, cope and evolve into the person you'll become, without your precious Jeremy here on earth. Please know that we pray for you, Scott and your children daily. May God continue to embrace you with His love, and may you feel his presence at all times.
Michele McFarland