Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today's Dose of Sunshine

Sunshine Is. . . (In no particular order)

Knowing that God gives me grace to face today and whatever that brings. He will walk beside me and when life gets too hard, he will carry me. (Even when I am Angry!)

Going out of my way just to drive past some of the most beautiful sunflowers that I have ever seen.

Feeling sad about my perspective on an issue, only for my children to show me a different perspective, a happier one. Life really can be simple, kids can teach us that so often.

Feeling proud of my children as they begin a new school year. They are adjusting better than I am. My children go to a great school where the teachers and staff have embraced them even tighter than ever before.

Having a husband that loves me unconditionally. A husband who helps calm my soul.

Jeremy. I will love you all the days of my life and then some. You have brought so much good to my life even though some of it hurts so much right now. I am thankful to have had the priviledge to be your mommy, even for just a short while here on earth. I will see you face to face someday. . . until then, catch my kisses on angels wings.

My cherubs here on earth. They remind me to smile every day.

My family. They are stuck with me, but they choose to love me anyway.

My old friends who have not disappeared. My new friends who I have been honored to meet. Thanks for walking through the storm with me. Thanks for showing me that the sun still shines even if it is behind the clouds.

Coffee. Especially Starbucks Dark Chocolate Iced Coffee.

A good book. Right now I am reading 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper and The Shack. I know the titles should be underlined but I can't figure out how to do that. I guess that will be sunshine for another day.

Feeling Tech savy (just a little) because I figured out how to change the template on my blog.

Mail. . . snail mail and e-mail. I love going to the mailbox everyday. I love to get mail. I have found such profound inspiration and encouragement from some wonderful angels on earth. Opening my inbox to see actual messages rather than ads for shopping is great too. I feel so richly blessed and loved. Every message is helpful to my hurting soul. Thank you for loving me so much.

What is your sunshine today???


Erin said...

My sunshine is that you are finding some sunshine even on this stormy day. Don't stop is always there. Hugs, Erin

Anonymous said...

My sunshine is our family.. hearing from Mom and Dad about Meredith and her soccer, Trevor and the fan incident and Nolan and the dentist. I find sunshine knowing that even though I am MILES away, I still feel close.

My sunshine is having you as a sister. I Love You!

My sunshine is Kyle and Holden. Holden for saying" Love you" the other day and Kyle for just being there.

mamcf0371 said...

Dear Amy,
It sounds as if you are continuously assessing and analyzing your thoughts, feelings and actions. Grief can destroy one, or one can have victory over it. From what I read you WILL be victorious over your grief. It seems as if you are doing all the "right" things to grieve in a healthy way, not only for yourself but for the sake of your family as well. You share your thoughts and feelings with your family, friends and prayer friends; you are committed to your faith and trust in God, and you are working hard to find a little "dose of sunshine" in the life you are now leading without Jeremy. Praying to our Lord,
Michele McFarland