Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Clean Soup

Funny story. . .

Early in the morning I had prepared a Pot Roast in the crock pot for dinner. The recipe called for 1/2 cup of beef broth. There was a little left over so I reserved the rest, unsure what I was going to do with it, but couldn't bear to be wasteful and throw it away. As I was preparing lunch on this 80 degree Tuesday, it came to me. I would make soup with the broth and Pastina noodles (little stars).

So I called the children to the table to eat their lunch. My daughter took one look at it and said
"what's this?"

I replied "Soup, it's Pastina, you LOVE pastina soup."

My daughter said "Mom, can I have clean soup? This one is dirty."

I could hardly contain myself. She had never had a dark broth soup before. She thought the broth was dirty and wanted "clean soup" as she reached for and then handed me the Campbells can of Cars Soup.

It was the hardest I had laughed in a long time.

Then it just wouldn't leave me. I kept thinking about it all day. Well the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways. There was a lesson for me to learn from this experience too. You know we all wait around to hear the voice of God have conversation with us just like our friends. Well, he doesn't always deliver his message to us like that. Sometimes you receive a message even when you aren't expecting one.

Here is what I received. I am the mother of my FOUR children. I prepare wholesome and nutritious meals for them every day. (OK, most of the time) As a parent, I definitely have their best interests at heart every day. I know what is best, even if at the time they don't see it that way. This mentality applies to many areas of life not just nutrition. I remember as a child myself questioning my parents' judgement, only to realize now as an adult, that they were usually right in the end.

Well, here I am a child of God, wishing for clean soup, instead of being content with the broth of life that God has prepared for me. He has my best interests at heart and knows what is best for me. He knows the end of my story and the bible says that everything will work out to be good. It's hard to see that right now, but he knows that to be true. I am staring at this "dirty soup" crying and spending time refusing to eat it, to accept my circumstances if you will. Well, God knows that what he has prepared for me is good, wholesome, and last but not least, good for me, for whatever the reason. He knows my whole story intimately because he loves me. He loves Jeremy.

I will sit up and try my best to feast on the life that God has in mind for me. God is good, all the time, God is good.


Robbin said...

Amy, I am in awe of your courage and strentgh. I admire the light that your are shining to the earthy world. God is using you in mighty ways. I am so happy that you had some sunshine yesterday.

Enjoy your day,

Dana said...

very cute!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great story! I liked your comparison to our lives! How true is that....we so often want God to clean up the soup he gives us when it is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Not only is it good for us, it is perfect. His plan is perfect! I must say I laughed when I went down the soup aisle at Giant yesterday. I don't think I'll ever look at soup the same way again! A good laugh is always healing for the soul. Keep enjoying those moments!

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever.." Psalm 138:8

Julie in Catonsville