Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Those Darn Deer

It all started last night. The kids were eating a snack before bed and I was reading them a story, Those Darn Squirrels by Adam Rubin. It was a really cute story about an old man and some very clever squirrels. Anyone who has had the pleasure of watching squirrels eat their bird seed or perhaps fruit from their trees would appreciate this story. In the end, the old man and the squirrels make peace with one another and the story ends happily. This book made us all laugh, which is always good!

Our Sunflower Memorial garden for Jeremy has not done well this summer. I know, sad but true. After my last post about the garden and how I had resolved to let it go too, I was surprised to find a few plants that were not eaten or destroyed by the drought. I had hope that I would see a sunflower bloom in my own garden this year after all. It may have been a late bloom, but it looked as if it would happen.

This morning I looked outside the window and discovered every single plant had been chewed up AGAIN and I nearly cried.

Later in the day the deer came back for more and found an ANGRY GRIEVING MAMA watching from the window! I yelled from the window and deck area and scared the deer out of our garden. The funniest part was when my oldest quoted a line from the story and said "THOSE DARN DEERS!" We all burst out into laughter and the frustration over the garden seemed to fade away.

Looks like from here on out, I'll need to continue to admire sunflowers growing in the gardens of our friends, family, and fellow neighbors in our community. Every once in awhile special gifts even show up on our porch. Thank you N. family for sharing a bit of sunshine with us, your timing was rather perfect!

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