Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving... Blessed to Bless

Thanksgiving, as defined in the dictionary, is the act of giving thanks or an expression of thanks.

It is a wonderful feeling to spend time reflecting the blessings in life, even in the midst of sadness. Wouldn't it be wonderful to feel this connected to our gratefulness every day of the year?

To do more...well that just takes to a new level don't you think?

Showing thanks for the blessings in your life can take many forms...the story that follows is just one. It all began with one person. One person inspired to do more than reflect upon her thankfulness. Her thoughts and actions soon inspired her family. As a family, they in turn inspired countless individuals to unite together to use their actions to reflect their thankfulness. One person started something that grew into something that will touch so many lives. The story of one that grew into infinity since we will really never know the end to this expression of gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. This story will most likely touch another human heart who will also become inspired and the story goes on and on, kind of amazing don't you think?

I have permission to share the story but have changed the names since I can't remember if I had permission to share personal information and I want to maintain some sort of privacy for those involved. Just in case...

Dear Amy,

I just finished sending an email to a friend talking about how grateful and blessed I have been feeling lately. So many events, stories, etc that help you to see things in a different light and with different perspective. This month has been full of these moments. Then I tuned into your blog--being grateful!

My daughter has 2 little friends that have had inspirational lives and moments. With two friends in her close circle of friends I felt the need to act. We asked for prayers and support of your family and the other friend and family. My heart was sad, but was soon smiling and overwhelmed by the support from people who do not know either family. I feel truly blessed to have such great friends and coworkers.

In honor of Jeremy's birthday and in honor of a speedy recovery for our other friend, we collected tissues. There are feelings of helplessness, wanting to help the families that are in need of love and support, but also questions--and not knowing what to do. So we thought of a little way to help. We truly are grateful. This week we collected 421 packs of tissues. I had happy tears every time someone handed me a pack of tissues. It didn't matter if it was a single pack...or multiple...or even if they said "I will keep these families in my prayers" I have never been a big hugger....but I guess I am now. I felt the need to hug everyone that handed me a pack or offered words of support.

I have 2 boxes to deliver to you. We put blue bows for Jeremy and stickers for the other child! I will put them in the van tomorrow...I never know when I might run into you. We will be playing soccer in the morning, so I may see you then. If not, if you can give me your house # I can drop them on your front porch.

I am indeed feeling grateful tonight- for my kids, our health, our family, for friends....and for this weekend...that will allow me to slow down, spend time with my children and appreciate very second that I have with them.

With a very grateful heart tonight,

Wow. Amazing. Wonderful. I know, it made me cry too! Tears of gratefulness though...

Here are a few other stories of ways that other Prayer Warriors have been blessed to bless others in need:

A dear friend of mine is collecting those sweet, soft, and cuddly Pillow Pets for the Children's Hospital where Jeremy was a patient. We have embraced this mission and whole heartily agree that these pillows will without a doubt be a comfort and help the children facing the holidays as patients in the hospital this year. Who wouldn't want want to cuddle one of those pillows? I know my kids LOVE them! Her family has set a goal to donate 200 Pillow Pets to the hospital this year. At last count they were nearing 100 so far. I pray that she reaches her goal! Whatever amount of pillows that is donated will surely be a blessing!

Someone else used his passion for our Lord and bike riding, his ability to recognize the blessing of his good health to even be able to ride, and his gratefulness for the many blessings in his life, to bless many others by riding in a special 62 mile ride in memory of Jeremy and to also raise funds and awareness for our foundation. We remain grateful and in awe of this amazing blessing of a friend and the ways he will bless so many with his generosity, time, and talents.

Another friend mentioned to me today a story about an evening playing Bingo with her family. This said friend won a pie at bingo that night. At first she was excited but quickly met a woman who she knew needed the pie more. My friend gave the woman the pie and thought the gift was so simple but would quickly learn it was much more than that. My friend realized that she had been placed in just the right place at just the right time. She learned just how much this pie would mean to someone who would likely spend the holiday alone,lonely, and without much means to provide a Thanksgiving holiday that many have the blessing to enjoy. One pie, a simple thing to some, yet a gift that had a profound impact on another human heart.

There is yet another faithful prayer warrior that I know planning to bless others this Christmas season. I am looking forward to hearing about her vision of hope and the ways that I can be of help to her as she puts her thoughts into actions.

Here is yet another link to blog with an awesome idea as well.

The list goes on and on...As I am writing this, I am feeling more grateful by the minute to be in the presence of so many people who are blessed to bless others. It really is contagious, in a good way. The real beauty in it all is that there isn't a right or wrong to bless someone in need. There isn't a dollar sign attached, there isn't a specific amount of time required, or a particular item needed. All you have to do is open your eyes, follow your heart, and respond with love. Be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth. Love others...I promise you won't miss the mark.

Feeling inspired and want to be a part of any of the above mentioned projects? Contact me via the comments and leave me your contact information, e-mail me, call me, wave me know the drill by now.

Feeling inspired and have your own ideas? Please share. I'd love nothing more than to hear about your ideas.

With a Grateful Heart,

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