Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Bliss

Life has been busy. Three kids in three different places for the week. Need I say more? Is this really summer? You bet...the kids are having a blast this week so far and so am I. The smiles on their faces are worth every minute of running all around town!


lazy afternoons/evenings at the pool

Daddy making dinner and having it ready when WE get home. Yes, that really happened. :)

Grandparents delivering dinner to us tonight at the pool. We are so blessed!
Freshly made soft crab cake sandwiches and hot dogs ...MMMmmm
The new me even enjoyed a fresh tomato slice on my sandwich. Never too late to learn new things I guess...

fresh watermelon

delicious dessert options at the snack bar
What a difference a year makes.. three independent children strolling over to the snack bar eager to make their selections! The delight in buying 5 cents worth of Tootsie Rolls and being over the moon about their choice!

I'll soak this in for awhile.

Happy summer y'all!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Lol. Watermelon for everyone besides Scott!! Our sunflowers are blooming...pictures to come.