Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello Summer!

I had a lot of fun with welcoming the new season of spring and saying goodbye to winter with a similar post back in April. I thought I would take a minute to jot down memories from the spring before SUMMER gets too far under way. I'd have to admit, it was much harder this time. Spring wasn't an easy season for our family this year. But, in true fashion to the name of this blog and the words that hang around my neck every day, I will dig deeper to find the sunshine from the spring too.

So Hello SUMMER! Goodbye spring of 2010. Here are my favorite memories from this past spring.

Favorite Memory
We were blessed to be able to take a few trips to the beach with our family this spring. There's no place that I would rather be than near the ocean. It was the sunshine we needed to get through such a difficult season of pain. The weather was amazingly warm for spring and so each trip was a true taste of summer for sure!

Favorite Song

I am really enjoying the latest Sara Groves CD. I really should record the kids singing Setting Up the Pins, it is heartwarming for sure! It's a catchy tune anyway but watching the kids sing it from their hearts makes me smile from the inside out!

I also really like one of Keith Urban's new songs Only You Could Love Me This Way. I love acoustic guitar music. This song speaks of my husband and my marriage. We have sure been through some tough times but through it all we keep holding on to what really matters. It's a forever deal for us, sunshine, rain, and everything in between. Sadly, some marriages cannot withstand the stress that the death of a child can cause on a relationship. Here's hoping we can... Here's hoping that we can hang on through the ups and downs of life, overcome this grief, and anything else that life may have to throw at us in the future. I'm praying that we can be happ in life as individuals and as a couple.

Favorite T.V. Show:
Friday Night Lights. I discovered that you can check out complete seasons of T.V. shows at the library. I am still on season one for now, but loving each episode so far!

Favorite Food Out:

Hershey Bar cake, shrimp and grits (Some things never change), and homemade cornbread

*all three came from the same restaurant

Favorite Food Homemade
While were at the beach, I enjoyed making Mother's Seafood Cioppino, a recipe that I stumbled upon many years ago. It quickly became a family favorite and has remained so to this day! Over the years, I've added more seafood and we prefer it this way. Google the recipe and try it yourself. Add whatever seafood you like and you won't be disappointed.

Favorite Purchase:

I found a sunflower plate at Pier One Imports.

I also added a few new outfits to my wardrobe. You know when the goin' gets tough, you Get Up, Get Dressed, and Show Up For Life. That's it. One Foot in front of the other...eventually the time passes and you can breathe easier again. Show up for life with the best that you have each day and Be As You Are...

Favorite Drink:

Iced Coffee and Sparkling Water

Favorite Event:

I don't have I ever? I loved that I was emotionally able to be more present at the kid's special events and also for the extraordinary everyday moments too. I treasure the opportunity to be their Mom.

I couldn't live without... sunglasses, flip flops, a good book, and a good purse to keep me organized in my crazy life.

So, now it is your turn. Let me know your favorites from this past spring season. Leave a comment here, e-mail me, write to me, call me. It will be the sunshine of my day. One person shared their responses in the winter, so I am hoping to at least double that this time around.

By the way, did you notice that I even noticed how to change font colors this time too?

1 comment:

mamcf0371 said...

Dear Amy, I love the idea of "favorites".... I think it is a great way to capture memories made. We have a tradition that when on vacation, at the end of the week we jot down our "favorites" of the week. It's a great way to look back on that particular vacation and remember certain things. It's great too b/c everyone has a different favorite. Thanks for sharing your favorites of spring! Here go mine:

Fav. memory: Celebrating my birthday with my father, in Florida(Couldn't tell you the last time I was able to celebrate my birthday with my father).

Fav. song: Say Hey, by Michael Fonti. This is a very fun, upbeat song that just makes me want to move!

Fav. drink: Iced Tea, or Sangria

Fav. TV Show: Don't have one right now.

Fav. Food Out: Fresh Fish Tacos

Fav. Homemade food: Spaghetti and meatballs made completely from scratch, and homemade ice cream.

Fav. event: Backyard movie to celebrate my son's b-day. Adults and kids alike LOVED it!

Fav. purchase: Very cute/fun reusable melamine plates for a large group of more paper plates.

Couldn't live without: Iced Tea, medicine ball/weights, running shoes, sandals, and a good book!

Have fun reading responses from others!

Happy Summer to you,
