Saturday, July 10, 2010

Start Living... Now

At a swim meet last Saturday, I saw a man from our team wearing a shirt that said Start Living... at such and such place. It was a shirt advertising for a vacation spot of some kind, a restaurant, resort, I truthfully cannot really remember. I only remember the message and how I nodded silently with my whole heart and soul every time he walked past me and I read the words on his shirt. I now wonder if he thought I was weird staring and nodding at him...:)

Plain and simple folks, life is short! We have today and the here and now to capture as much joy as we can, to make a difference in big and small ways in the hearts of others, to make our dreams a reality, to LIVE, and not to just exist, but to live fully. Seriously ponder that for a moment...Are you living fully today? If you knew your days were numbered would you live as you are now? No? ( most of us would say no) What would you change? If the voice in your soul beckoned you to change something...DO it! Do it now!

The hamster wheel of life goes round and round. Blink and life passes you by.
Capture the moment NOW and today. Those of us who have lived through the life changing lessons of this world and those that are in the trenches of them right now will all tell you the same thing...LIVE and LIVE Fully. We have today... Live fully. Slow down and take in the simplest of joys and grace that are right before you in the here and now of today.

Life has a way of reminding us all of this lesson to live more fully. Look around and I'm sure you'll see what I mean. There is trouble in this world. I petition your prayers for a few members of my family and a friends. Our Lord knows the details and needs of every situation and hears each and every whisper of our prayers...Thank you.

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