Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

I still do not like Goodbyes. Farewell until we meet again sits better with me. I
The year is coming to an end in just a few hours. It is hard to believe that another whole year has gone by. I'd like to carry many memories of 2010 with me into the future and keep them close at heart always. There are also memories that I would soon like to forget and wish that the circumstances were different all together. I cannot pretend for a second that I have any control over any of it, the good or the bad. However, there have been lessons embedded within both and for that I can attribute the growth into the person that I am tonight.

I am looking onward to 2011 because ready or not here it comes. I am willing to embrace whatever the year may hold for me and for my family. I pray that we find more joy and laughter this year. Whatever each day holds for us, we are anchored and trusting in God's plan. Thank you for reading and staying tuned even when there are long pauses between posts. We truly appreciate your continued prayers and support for our family. We wish you all a Joy Filled New Year!

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