Friday, August 12, 2011


Grace was abundant yesterday.

It was found in the sunflowers that were wallpapered all over the hospital wall.

It was found in the multiple sunshines that were found in various places throughout our time there.

It was found in the tissues that I had to deliver to the PICU thanks to some recent and generous donations. This gave me a purpose and a grounding, if you will to reality. This renewed purpose helped to loosen the grip that fear was holding tightly over me.

Grace came when we visited the respite house that I hold near and dear to my heart and we were greeted with friendly faces with warm smiles and hugs. We had a donation to make there as well and so that was also a grounding experience as well.
I love being there, as a volunteer, that is.

Grace was found when an offer was made to help unload our car.

It was found in the beautiful Black Eyed Susans bouquet that we brought for the respite house.

Grace was found in the encouraging text messages from friends knowing my journey back there as a patient would emotionally be hard for me.

Grace came when the parking was generously made easy for me...

Grace was found in the babysitting for my other kids...

Grace was found in the beautiful weather with storybook picture clouds painted in the sky. It looked a Disney movie backdrop up in the sky yesterday.

It was found when I could use strategies learned in therapy to distance my mind from where it wanted to travel back in time.

Grace for the moment. It was waiting around each corner of the day. I did it. It wasn't easy but the day is behind me and I am ok. Jeremy is ok. My thirdling is ok. Nothing bad happened yesterday.

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