Sunday, May 9, 2010


I know many are eager to hear the outcome of The Mother's Day project. One hundred and four gift bags were delivered to the hospital yesterday!

The first photo above shows what just one of the bags looked like. I am sad that I didn't get better pictures. I feel like after seeing the whole process from start to finish, that they were more beautiful than the way the photo captured them. At least you can see the bag and the way the project came together. I truly wish that each of you could have had the opportunity to see the project from the view that I was blessed to see. To see the donations coming in, to see how there were NO repetitions in the gifts donated (which is amazing in and of itself if you really think about it), the way the room looked as the process started by getting items unwrapped and organized, the actual stuffing of the bags, and then finally the delivery. It was one of the best Mother's Day gifts for me to witness such generosity and compassion in the hearts of so many!

The other photo shows what the back of my loaded vehicle looked like. There more other bags on the middle row of seats and on the floors too! The bags were stuffed! My vehicle was stuffed!

We were informed by the hospital staff that the bags would be given out first thing this morning. I pray that each mother who will receive a bag will feel blessed by the love and compassion that filled each bag to the brim (literally).

I will share more about the experience of delivering the bags later.

Mostly, I am grateful for the generous support and prayers of so very many people. Without each and every one of the donations, all of the help getting the items organized, bags stuffed, and delivered, this tremendous success would not be possible. I am also grateful for the help of the kind folks at the hospital who helped me gather information that was needed so that we could get these bags into the hands of the mothers who would spend Mother's Day with their sick children. I know that I for one, feel honored and so very privileged to be even a small part of this AMAZING experience. To say that I am grateful is an understatement.

I pray that each and every one of you know in the depths of your heart that these bags were greatly appreciated and ever so much a blessing today to the moms who received them. I also pray that each of us, including me, can fully know the depths of our own blessings today. I pray that for those of us that are hurting today, that we can rest in that joy found in our blessings and also find peace amidst the pain.

With a Most Grateful Heart,

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