Sunday, October 10, 2010

Words of Encouragement

Thanks to Kara for your kind words of encouragement on a late night. It warms my heart more than you will ever know.

Life is different now.

Sure, like most folks, I get frustrated too sometimes but that too is different now.

My mantra..."There are worse things in life than..."

There are moments EVERYDAY when I look up and think I want time to freeze right now in this moment. I want to memorize all there is to remember because time doesn't stand still and time moves on. For the most part, time moves on before we are ready. We aren't offered that choice to say whether or not we are ready for a change. It happens right before our own eyes and sometimes, most times, we don't even notice.

There are moments in life where I just plain and simple wear myself out with my deep thoughts and reflections. I think I intimidate people with my depth of character and that most times people think I am weird. I am learning to like myself and care less about what others think of me and the way I choose to live my life. All we are we the song says. I cannot change the circumstances that have created the person that I am today. My circumstances have created me just like yours have created you. We are not here to judge one another, just to love one another.

Mostly, I just don't want to miss a moment. Life is short. Life as we know it can change in a second. I want to live with my eyes, heart, and mind wide open. Life is a gift.

So forgive me if I am guilty of freely showing love and gratitude often. Forgive me for continuing to cry almost on a daily basis. I am living, breathing, and feeling it ALL, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have survived to tell stories about depths in life that I wish I didn't experience much less remember. However, those very depths have taught me how to make the ordinary EXTRAORDINARY! The ordinary moments have formed new heights in my world, and for that, I am grateful.

And to those of you who have shown broken hearted love and encouragement to me and my family along the way we are grateful. The moments shared on night's like this of how our "story" has impacted your lives in a positive way is powerful. I petition you to keep sharing those with us...those stories fill us with warmth and help us to see the many ways that Jeremy lives on through and in each of your hearts. It is then that we in turn can feel his warmth all around us and that feels good. So good.

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