Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Get What You Give

Does your soul need refreshing?

Have you tried volunteering your time, treasures, or talents to someone in need?

I just can't say enough about the way it makes me feel to be in service to others in need. Just when feel like I don't have a single solitary cell left in my body to accomplish anything, I feel on top of the world when I can help someone else. It really is amazing, try it for yourself and see if you don't agree.

Remember the quote about the rainbow colors? Well it inspired me so much that I enlisted the help of my kids and we made Rainbow brownies. Don't get too excited, they were made with a lot of help from Betty Crocker in a box and two small canisters of Mini M&Ms. In the end they indeed looked rainbow delicious! We printed the quote on colorful paper, wrapped each one individually in pretty bags and tied them with rainbow color ribbons. They were delivered to the respite house, the place we called home for several weeks while Jeremy was sick. There was even an adorable fall pumpkin basket on the desk just waiting for the delicious yummies! Here's hoping that a little homemade treat and an inspirational quote may make the families walking to and from the hospital feel loved, encouraged, and perhaps even help them find a little smile today.

I spent the rest of the morning at the respite house yesterday. The bulk of my time was spent organizing one of the pantries that the families have direct contact with on a daily basis. I threw out old expired food and organized the shelves for ease at finding what might be needed. What is the point of this story you might ask? Well folks, there is a need that I would like to invite you to help provide. There is a desperate need for easy meals, you know like Easy Mac, Chef Boyardee cans of Ravioli, Hamburger Helper, those yummy Lipton Noodle and Sauce packs, Premade Tuna Meals, Cup of Noodles, and Oodles of Noodles. You get the point, things that families could make quick and easy. There is also a need for snack items such as granola bars, Nutragrain bars, Trail Mix, Pretzels, anything in a single serve packet that the families could grab and eat on the go or at the bedside of their child. I went to the main pantry to restock and it was completely bare of these types of food. If you happen to be at the grocery store this week and you are able to help out by supplying even one item mentioned above, it would be such a blessing to the families at the respite home.

I also delivered 252 packs of tissues to the PICU as well. I know, a big day huh? The staff were all happy to see me and also grateful (as always) for the tissues. My supply of tissues has now been depleted. The PICU typically calls every two months for the tissues. This is another invitation to help restock tissues for other crying Mama's just like me. Would you prayerfully consider helping fill that need as well. Remember we collect small purse size packs that are individually wrapped. These tissues are delivered by the staff to the PICU families who need them.

Any donations can be delivered to my home at any time. Monetary donations and/or gift cards are also appreciated to make these types of purchases. I plan to visit weekly so anytime is good, as these donations are appreciated on an ongoing basis.

It is another way to take something that seems so small but can have a big impact on someone in need, especially if we work together. I bet we can restock that pantry and the tissue supply in no time!

I am grateful for your prayers and your support as always. Not one prayer or donation goes unnoticed. Sadly, I still have my Mother's Day Bag project thank you cards in hand and need to send those. Sorry folks...

And by the way...Kirsten, this feeds me! :)

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