Monday, June 20, 2011

Folly Beach- More Pauses

Have you ever read a fiction book and while you were fully getting lost in the story there were also moments where you read a few lines that truly connected you to your own life and caused you to pause and just take it all in?

It has been happening to me more and more in recent years. I truly love the library. At the rate that we read books in our family, we would never be able to afford to purchase every book that we read. However, I have found that when I really like a book, there's nothing I like more than the opportunity to write in the book, underline passages, highlight passages, and jot notes in the side margins. Of course, this does not allow me to then share the book with others because I think this type of note taking makes it hard to read if you are not the notetaker.

Folly Beach is a library book and I am having a hard time not writing in this book.

Here are my latest moments of pause with this book.
The ocean is the same as it has been of old; the events of today are its waves and its rivers.
Sayyid Haydar Amuli

"Do you know why coyotes are found in almost every state now? Because they adapt. They find that what they really wanted isn't what they need, that there's something just as good someplace else. It's how they survive."

"Sometimes, just when we think we can see our lives on course and we can settle back and get comfortable, a new path opens. Some people just keep going, too scared to veer off the familiar path. But others, well, they step off into the unknown, and find that maybe that was where they were supposed to be all along."

A great man once wrote, "Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire."

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