Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It's all about the numbers lately!

Thanks be to God! With the help of many generous Prayer Warriors, we have been able to continue to support the PICU, the children who are patients, their parents and their families in a number of ways. One of our desires was to be able to provide the softest tissues we could get our hands on . It grew from my very own experience in the the PICU with my son and the infinite tears that were shed during his 70 days as a patient there. Our Tissue Fund has been a tremendous success and very much appreciated by each and every person who receives them.

I wanted to update everyone and let you know that I delivered 700 pocket packs of tissues to the PICU today. Yes, you read that correctly, 700! What a blessing!

Thank you all so very much. It makes me cry knowing that we continue to have such support as we do our best to support places that mean so much to our family. We could not do it without all of your generosity.

I promised the PICU I would return with tissues in hand and because of your help, I have been able to keep that promise. I can also assure you that each recipient of those tissues thanks you as well.

On a side note... the Mother's Day project is going well. I am excited to see what the final results will be. I know these Mother's will feel the warmth of your compassion just when they may need it most! There is still time to help... in big and small ways. Please have your donations to me no later than Friday of this week if you plan to participate. Here are a few suggestions of items that might be useful and have not been received yet:

water bottles

single packets of instant cappuchino or coffee

additional chapstick/Vaseline/lip gloss

single packs of face cleaner or wash (Ponds/Oil of Olay etc)

additional small bottles of nail polish (Available at Walmart)

single packets of nail polish remover

additional see-a-word/puzzle books

additional journals/notepads

disposable cameras

paperback books for mom to read/children's book to read to the kiddos

hair clips/scrunchies

Anything else that your imagination and heart may lead you to supply.


With a Most Grateful Heart,

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