Monday, April 18, 2011

47... What a Way to Kick Things Off!

A few months ago, I was contacted by a friend, prayer warrior, and a faithful supporter of the Mother's Day Bag project. She wondered if her local MOPS group would in some way have a part in the project this year. I was amazed. Moms helping other Moms, such a beautiful thought. Yes, I agreed it was indeed a good match for sure...

We met for coffee and talked things over. She took all the information back to the other leaders of her organization. I was invited to speak at their meeting to talk more about our foundation, how this project came to be, and how they, as a group, might be able to help make the Mother's Day Bag project a success this year.

Sickness invaded our home and I was unable to make that scheduled appearance to speak. God prevailed through my dear friend as she conveyed the utterings of my heart about this mission of the Mother's Day bags to her fellow friends and moms in this group. In the end, she won over the hearts of the moms in her organization in my absence. In response, this group of women amazingly prepared FORTY SEVEN complete bags that are ready to be delivered on Mother's Day! I was completely unprepared for the response that I received. I was surprised and speechless. This MOPS group filled these bags with such love and compassion. I could feel myself just filling up with tears of joy and amazement as we carried the bags from her van into my home. These bags are beautiful, they look amazing, and they all smell so comforting. Funny how this experience of mine evokes such a sensory experience.

I was feeling a bit behind schedule with everyone so sick in our house and yet, with their support, somehow, I managed to come out ahead of schedule. Wow!

When I spoke with my contact at Hopkins, she mentioned the possibility of providing a bag to each and every patient room in the Children's Center. Can it be done? Well, I can certainly try! I have seen with my own eyes this very goal set and met with another project this past Christmas and so I know it can be done. I will pray and rest in God's will about this project for this year. One thing is for sure, each and every bag will indeed bless a mom in need of this love and compassion this Mother's Day. This is a good thing for sure.

I will say that I started the week with a wonderful and warm response to this project. I was contacted by two friends of friends, whom I have never met, who would like to particpate this year. How wonderful is that? Thank you for telling your friends and family and spreading the word about his project. Thank you for your part in making this amazing project become a reality! I could not do it without you all, each and every one!

A special thank you to the MOPS moms who gave so generously this year! Thanks for helping us to get off to such a good start this year! You are such an inspiration! Look what happens when we all work together for the greater good of others! Amazing things can happen and the outcome of that gift is an unending ripple effect of goodness.

That in itself is a good place to close for now. I'll rest in that image of goodness prevailing in a world where pain and suffering are very real but also where human hearts can and do offer love and support to the hearts of the hurting. It does matter and it does make a difference.

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