Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mother's Day Bag Project 2011

These adorable and festive bags have been purchased and are now ready to fill with gifts that will bless the mothers who will spend Mother's Day at the hospital this year. This has been an annual event for the last few years and each year it has been a tremendous success. A blessed experience for sure.

I am reposting what I wrote last year as I invited others to join me in this project.
Most of the information still applies. What has changed is the total number of bags needed. The PICU has increased in capacity to 32 beds, in preparation for the new unit that will be opening soon. I would also like to provide bags to the mothers at the respite facilities that we have continued to support on an ongoing basis, as well as to the Pediatric Oncology unit. That brings my goal number of bags to 80 this year. Last year we were able to provide 104 gift bags and I wonder what number we will fill this year? My plans are to donate these bags one unit at a time. I feel strongly that I must provide a bag to each mother on an entire unit so that no one is left out. My heart wonders if this will be the year that we can supply over 200 bags which would cover the whole Children's Center. Wouldn't that be something? Only God knows the answer to that question.

Without further reading, here is what was written last year:

Some may read this post title and have a memory of last year and therefore have a sense of what I am trying to accomplish. Those of you who are new, stay tuned, I will do my best to post in more detail later. In the meantime, you could also search the archives, and read all about the Mother"s Day bags from last year. Be inspired...

The retail market has already begun weeks ago gearing up for Mother's Day. Some of you out there in blog world may have even begun to make plans for their own special day, perhaps maybe a brunch, a picnic lunch, dinner, a spa treatment, scrapbook event, the sky is the limit. Chances are, none of us would plan to spend Mother's Day sitting at the bedside of a sick child in the hospital. Sadly, that is exactly where many moms will indeed spend their Mother's Day. For some, it may even be their first Mother's Day and they will spend it with their child in the hospital. There will also be the Moms who spend Mother's Day wondering if their child will even survive. Not too long ago, this was my very experience and so I know all too well what these mothers will be feeling.

I know this is a truth many of us here in the comfort of our own homes would rather not think about, but the world I am describing is real and it will exist this year on Mother's Day this year too. I am deeply invested in making a difference of the hearts of these mothers. Will you help me?

I have had difficulty of my own keeping my head above water with so much going on...more on that later. I keep thinking, I'll post that information about the Mother's Day project tomorrow." Well...if I keep up this speed, I'll never be able to pull it off. Mother's Day is quickly approaching! Yikes!

I would love to create bags again this year to deliver to the Moms who will be staying at the Respite House and also for the Moms of the PICU children. I would love to give even more bags than that, but only God knows how it will play out this year. Will you consider helping me? The ways to help with this project are endless.
Could you help contribute an item to be placed in 41 bags? Could you help financially support the purchase of items to be placed in the bags? This could be pennies and all the way up...EVERY little bit helps us spread those RAYS OF SUNSHINE! Could you make cards to give to the Moms? Could you help stuff the bags with the items? Could you provide pretty pastel colored tissue paper? Could you pray for these mothers who will spend Mother's Day with their child in the hospital. Do you have other suggestions? See... the sky really is the limit.

This project was a tremendous success last year and I am eager to see what will happen this year. I am late getting started but I know I can pull it off with the help of my faithful prayer warriors and supporters. These bags will be such a blessing to so many moms who could use a little love and compassion on Mother's Day.

So, will you help me again this year? Will you prayerfully consider one of the many ways that you could make a difference in the the lives of these mothers? If you helped me last year, will you help me again this year? Can I count on you to help me keep this going? Maybe you are new to this project. Could you help in some way, big or small this year?

Some suggestions for the bags would include:

small notebooks
word puzzles
snacks ( granola bars, trail mix, Nutragrain Bars, etc.)
lip gloss
hand lotion
bath gel
small bottles of nail polish/nail polish remover
WISP toothbrushes from Colgate
hand sanitizer
notes of encouragement
beauty items (perfume and make up items)
disposable cameras
tissues get the idea. Target and Michaels have a lovely selection of items that would make a great addition to the bags. Last year we had some amazing additions to the bags, and so I encourage you to be creative!

I many bags will we be able to fill this year?

How can you get the donations to me?

There will be a container parked on my porch to collect donations.
You can mail any monetary donations to me as well to put towards the project.
If you know me in the real world, I will happily and ever so gratefully accept donations out and about in my daily life...

If you do not know me in the real world, could you leave a comment with your
contact information? Someone will reach you in the near future.

With a Grateful Heart,


gail said...

Hi Amy - a bag of goodies for your Mother's Day bags will appear on your porch early next week - I also have a box of puffs tissues for that project or the bags or however you deam to use them. I always have fun finding things to add to the collection.

Hope everyone is well - seems everyone has had entirely too much illness this winter - I just finished my third cold...


Erin said...

I love that you do this. I can't get out to shop (something Steve *loves!) so I will maill you a check. xo