Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Tree

I spend a good bit of time in the car driving here and there.
Today on my way to pick up my kids at school, I was stopped at a red light and this tree caught my attention. At first glance, I thought it was an ugly, overgrown tree that was in desperate need of a little pruning. I didn't give it much more attention than that but something about it beckoned me to keep looking...Funny how a few seconds while waiting for the light to change gave me just the time I needed for a quick walk with my Savior. I just love how He shows up in my life like this.

This tree is ugly.
This world makes me ugly too, imperfect in the perfect ways that God created me to be.

This tree is in desperate need of pruning.
Just like this very tree, I am in desperate and constant need of pruning to help me become to person God created and intended me to be. Sometimes I understand the pruning and sometimes I don't.

This tree has life which is evidenced by the vast amount of greenery growing.
I too have the gift of life today. This life, even with all the hardships that I have been facing in recent weeks, is my miracle in the making. What have I done with that miracle of life today? Have I given thanks for the mere gift of my life and the simply blessing of being alive and healthy when so many are not? Have I made the most of this gift today?

This tree is well established here on the hill and is deeply rooted.
I am well established in my own ways trying to make a run of my life, more times than not,on my own terms. At this current place in my life, I am learning and giving better attempts to seek God's will prior to trying to run things on my own. I am also deeply rooted in my Lord and Savior. He is my anchor in the storms of life. I may feel flattened by the storms and feel as if I lack the strength to go on,but in reality,the Lord has me safe right in the palm of His hand. It is only when I fully fold into His will for me that I even begin to see that glimpse of this truth. I am blinded by His supernatural power and strength when I try to define God and dictate to Him my demands for the outcomes and even the timing for such circumstances of trouble or difficult nature to resolve. While I may blow and sway from side to side, I am deeply rooted and never forsaken. My roots thirst for God's grace and His power to be made perfect in my times of weakness. What a amazing gift when I am able to humble myself to see that power!

The next one was the most profound nudge. This tree looks as if the branches are turning upwards toward the heavens. Looking at the picture now doesn't seem to match the image I saw with my eyes.
Life on earth has a way of weighing us down at times. This is indeed the way that I am feeling right now as a result of recent events that have happened to both our immediate and extended family and friends. There's more happening than what I have shared here about my own child. These events were really eating at me and I felt as if I wanted to shout, ENOUGH! Who am I kidding? I still do. God took this moment to remind me I am not in charge here. He is. God wants a relationship with me and He wants me to cast my worries, concerns, and sadness upon Him. He wants me to leave them at the foot of the cross and trust that He will take care of things according to His will. The last time that I checked, God did not ask me if I would agree with Him and His ways. A gentle reminder... "Amy, turn your palms over and give it ALL to me. Stop trying to hold it tightly with a clenched fist. Let it go.You do not control over these circumstances. I am in control. Be still my child. I have entrusted much to you. Do that, and do it well. I have entrusted others to complete yet other tasks that are different from yours. Let me do the rest. Be still and know that I am God. Give your heart to me. I will walk beside you through it all and I will never leave you. I will carry you through the storms of life and I will deliver you to a safe place in my own time."

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Praying that I will let go tonight and get out of the way to let Him instead.
Thank you for the prayers. My heart is so very, very grateful.

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