Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Angel Mail #16 Special Birthday Delivery

Dear Jeremy,

Happy 3rd Birthday to the sweetest baby angel that I have ever known.
Words cannot appropriately capture the feelings in my heart today.
Virtually all plans made by us to honor you have backfired in one way or another. This initially caused a great deal of frustration over the lack of being able to make time to do something special to honor you today. There was little that we could do about each of the circumstances that arose which prevented us from executing our plans. Eventually, with time, I was able to see that I needed to let go over that control too!

You are a part of who we are as a family every day, not just today, and you always will be. I wanted today to be more special mostly because you are not here for us to love all over , all the time. It was then that I realized that we do just that, we all love you with every cell in our bodies, all the time, every day. You feel our love transcend even to heaven, every single day. In all the right ways and in all the right times, you were loved while you were with us on earth. You will always be loved until our family chain is reconnected one by one.

While we couldn't celebrate your gift of life in the ways that we wanted, we do understand that we could never compete with what you have in heaven. I am grateful for the many ways that so many people shared their love for you today. Rest assured that you were not forgotten here on earth.

I am honored to be your mom. I have learned more from you than you will ever know.
I miss you so very much, every day, but especially today.

My Deepest Birthday Love to you on Angel's Wings,

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