Friday, May 13, 2011

Stopping to Smell the Roses

It's been another week where if I am not careful I can get very caught up into the fast forward pace of life. I don't like living like this. I feel like every minute is accounted for and there are multiple events falling on the same day causing the Mr. and I to divide and conquer and then reconvene later. Most of you know exactly what I am talking about, after all, it is the month of May. I am doing all I can to keep up and still can't get it together.

I stood still the other day and remembered that most of the stuff that was stressing me out really wasn't important anyway. The boys can wear dirty baseball pants since they are stained up anyway. No one will know that their pants have been worn for two games. It doesn't really matter whether we have a gourmet meal or a bowl of cereal for dinner. It doesn't matter if the laundry gets worn right out of the laundry basket because we haven't had time to put it away. It doesn't really matter if the kids get to bed a few minutes later than usual or if our usual dinner hour is changed on a nightly basis. None of this really matters. I could go on but you get the point.

Life can unexpectedly come to a screeching halt at any given time. When it does all of these things that we think are so very important suddenly just aren't so anymore. We have had that experience in life. When life hands you a life altering experience, you quickly learn what really matters and what is important in life. Somehow, as I remembered that experience the other day, it reminded me that I can and will do all I can to be prepared for the many demands of each day, but in the end, this stressful time will pass. I am not to get my feathers ruffled about this mundane stuff. I just need to do the best I can each day and grace will cover the rest. I was also reminded to try and not let the stress eat up and rob me of the joy to be found in all of the good stuff of each day. For example, I am not willing to give up that snuggle time with my kids. The dishes will wait in the sink. I will take time out to watch the sun set, eat a popsicle on the porch, and to give thanks for all of our blessings.

In the mean time...I am taking a minute out from our crazy schedule to STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES...

I have much to be grateful for in life. Those are the things that matter.

1 comment:

Tara Dembowczyk said...

beautiful words! thank you so much for these reminders. press on, my friend.