Friday, February 18, 2011

On My Way

A catalog.

junk mail to most...

fun for a moment and then off to the recycle pile



Read this and it stuck in my mind.

Was it what I needed to hear today?


She wasn't where she had been.
She wasn't where she was going...
but she was on her way.
-Jody Hill

I am on a journey.

I still do not have any idea where it is that I am going but I am growing more comfortable with the uncertainty of the whole thing. It is almost becoming more peaceful living in the mindset of one day at a time. That is really all that we can do. I can only do the best that I can today. I can make decisions based on what I know today. Tomorrow, well that is an unknown for us all. We can plan all we want, but the outcome of those very plans just isn't up to us all the time. Simply stated but true.

The fate of the catalog? Well...I think I'll hold onto this one a bit. I may cut out this quote and add it to my chicken wire frame.

Me ?

Still loving that chicken wire frame. Still loving all of the faces that stare back at me everyday.
Still loving that I made that with my Dad.

Still don't love how I got here, on this journey.

Still committed to working hard not to become bitter on a permanent basis.

Still seeing love everywhere I look.

Still so grateful to see that love everywhere all around me especially when life sucker punches me and I can't breathe. This still happens at least once everyday.

Still finding amazing yet painful lessons along the way.

Still on this journey. Honestly, still not fully surrendered to it, but still here none the less. What can I say? There's a lot of fight in me!

Still holding on tight to the hand of Jesus.

Still walking toward Him.

Still believing in a God who works ALL things together for the greater good, even when life hurts the most and when it makes no sense from where I stand.

Still walking toward Him and a life lived eternal filled with peace.

Still asking for His grace to fill the spaces in my soul that are empty.

Still at His feet when I can't breathe.

It is the foot of the cross. It is there that He meets me. Every time. All the time. Unconditionally.

This journey? Just one foot in front of the other, following His lead. I will arrive just where He wants me to be and at the very precise moment that He planned for my arrival.

Psalm 46:10 (New International Version, ©2010)
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;"

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