Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Little Word 2011

It's that time...time to link up with Ali Edwards and her One Little Word project. I've been in deep thought over this year's word for some time now. In the end, I think I picked a word that will truly help me grow this year.

My word for 2011 is OPPORTUNITY. I'll be back tomorrow with my thoughts on why I chose this word.

I encourage you to check our Ali's website and perhaps choose to participate in the journey with me.

I would encourage you to participate at any level that you want. I think Ali would agree that there isn't a right or wrong way to go about this journey with One Little Word. There are many ways to go about focusing on your word and I do believe that since the word is personal to you, so should the approach be to how you incorporate it into your daily life this year. Ali gives some great ideas and encouragement and I recommend that you to start there and decide for yourself where it leads you. It is simply stated a year focused on personal growth in big and small ways. It is a year to reflect and to change and in the end become a better person as a result. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to get any further information.

Otherwise, go and meet Ali. Don't forget to read through the comments posted along with this entry on her blog to see the words that many others have chosen this year and why. I promise you will be inspired.

I'd love to hear if you choose to take the journey and choose a word for yourself in 2011. Wouldn't it be great to encourage one another and have time to share our stories along the way?

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