Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Days

The week has flown by thanks to the beautiful snow and the school closings as a result. We have been having fun sledding, building Star Wars ships, shoveling snow, playing board games, and the Wii! A few snow ball fights have taken place in between the mountain of laundry that needed to be put away, the purging of a ton of paperwork, and reading a few good books.

I save way too much paperwork...I feel like I am on top of the paper that comes in the mail. It is the paperwork produced by my children. I can't seem to part with it thinking that these moments in the present time are fleeting by and that I may want to preserve and remember this or that. That has now transcended to an enormous amount of paperwork preserved in various places in our home. It is overhwelming to think about tackling it right now. I did go through some of it over the last few days but I have still saved a significant amount. Speak up you fellow moms. What do you save? What do you toss? Where do you put it all and how do you keep it organized?

And one more thing...another friend has decided to join me on the One Little Word Journey, which now brings to total to EIGHT! Yeah! Her word is Mercy. I am excited to see how these words inspire growth in the lives of these fellow friends and in myself too. I have also come to know that there are indeed some quiet readers following along that have selected words too. There is a little button where you can leave comments below. We'd love to know the word that you have chosen and any other information that you would like to share. If not, we'd love to have you follow along from just where you are.

Well as you know life is just plain and simple busier when everyone is home. I love having my nearest and dearest right here with me all day. Schools are closed again today. Everyone is still asleep which is a rare moment in our house at this time of day. Climbing those hills a million times sledding has just worn them all out I guess.

I am off to savor my delicious cup of Java as the sun wakes up the morning sky and all is still quiet in my house.

Wishing you a warm in your heart kind of day!

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