Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seven So Far

Seven Little Words have been shared with me so far. I can only speak for myself but the journey with One Little Word is an amazing experience and I am excited that six others have chosen to join me. Who knows maybe there are others out there reading who plan to walk the journey with us in their own quiet ways. That is surely okay too.

I will continue to share my experiences and reflections with my word, opportunity this year. Will you share some of your thoughts and experiences with me too? If you haven't chosen a word yet, it really isn't too late. Go here and read all about it.

Here are the words that have been personally shared with me so far:

Have you seen this post? It's cool to see the words that so many others have chosen this year. I understand that the larger the word appears, the more often it was chosen. Well C. you have chosen a unique word, acknowledge, and that is really cool too! Remember it is a personal journey, no one else's but yours!

Hoping that your weekending refreshed your soul.

1 comment:

Julie said...

You've inspired me once again! I am happy to say that I am back. I started at a new church that I absolutely love, have signed up for bible study, and finally feel that fire in my soul again. It's been a year and a half since my husband and I separated, and it has taken me that long to come back to the place of passion for Christ that I had before. I've taken wrong turns, made poor choices, struggled with my pain, and fought God on every challenge. I woke up last Sunday morning and just decided, "Today is the day I start my life with Christ over again."

That's where you came in. I have been following your blog on a regular basis again and have been toying with the idea of having one word for my year. I've thought about it, prayed over it, and thought about it some more. Here it word for 2011 is "Mercy". As I stood in church last Sunday, I felt God's mercy cover me like a thick blanket, reaching to the depth of my soul. He spoke to me in ways I haven't known for a long time.....or was it perhaps that I was finally listening?!

As much as I use the word mercy, I realize that I don't even begin to know the depths of how far it reaches. God's mercy is something I've never explored in detail and something He has granted so much of to me. So here goes nothing! A year of exploring the mercy of the Father, as well as how I can extend mercy to others.

I have also been more diligent with updating my blog so you can see more in depth how God has been working in me. Would love to get together sometime and chat. You, as always, have a heart of gold and are such an inspiration to me.

Love in Christ,